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Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Getting ready for the Oscars

Oscar night!!! Is everyone as excited as I am? I saw some really great films this and last year and most of them got an Oscar nomination so I am rooting for quite a few films this year. My favorites where: Silver Linings Playbook, Argo and Lincoln. I have yet to watch Life of Pi but from all I know it would def. be on the list. 

So here are my predictions for the Oscars 2013. I will be back tomorrow to check on them. 

Out of the movies nominated for costume design I saw Lincoln and Snow White and the Huntsman and out of those I am picking Snow White and The Huntsman because those impressed me. Especially the Evil Queen wore some grand pieces. Directing was a though choice cause I did not see Life of Pi but I think it would have been my favorite for directing (based on the trailer, making off and such) but again I picked from the ones I saw and it was a head to head between Lincoln and Silver Linings Playbook. Documentary feature I chose based on the descriptions cause frankly, I saw non of them.

The Production Design for Lincoln was great in my opinion so that was an easy choice. Shortfilm, both animated and Live Action, were chosen on the same matter as documentary.

Sound editing and sound mixing should both go to Argo if it where to me. I know the pictures says Django Unchained but I changed my mind while I wrote this ;) The Visual Effects Oscar is a tie between The Avengers and Snow White and the Huntsman and while I prefere the Avengers as a movie over Snow White and the Huntsman, the visual effects in the later impressed me a tat bit more.

 Les Mis get my MakeUp and Hair Oscar but I wanna admit that I have yet to watch the movie. But I think Tumblr provided me with enough pictures of the movie to make that pick. For music I chose Lincoln for Original score but It would have been Silver Linings Playbook if nominated. Original Song has to go to Adel I wont accept no less.

Adapted Screenplay is a tie between Silver Linings Playbool and Argo. I chose Silver Linings Playbook because I liked the movie better. Original Screenplay was chosen with my eyes closed cause I did not have a favorite here.

Sorry but Anne Hathaway kind annoys me lately and her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes made me uneasy. I loved Sally Fields perfromance in Lincoln, like when Mary had her break downs but Jacki Weaver was her very own ray of light in a movie that was full of amazing acting, so it has to be her. Wreck-It-Ralph is my Animated Feature film pick but all films nominated were good, except for The Pirates, which I did not watch. And finally I picked Life of Pi despite not having watched it yet.

Not gonna lie the picks in those categories where the hardest, exceped for one. I loved Bradley Cooper in Silver Linings Playbook, a love that has now bounds! But I think Daniel Day-Lewis was terrific in Lincoln so I put my love aside and picked him, but I am troubled about that choice and I might change it back *lol*. Actress in a Leading role was easy, Jennifer Lawerence all the way! The supporting Actor was a lot hard to choose. Just give an Oscar to all of them why don't cha? Since I had to choose I eventually settled on Tommy Lee Jones.

Les Mis will win I guess but the best movie for me was Silver Linings Playbook with Argo and Lincoln as runner ups.

 Now I have to wait and see but as long as each, Argo, Lincoln and Silver Linings Playbook (Hello Jennifer Lawrence!) win at least one Oscar each, I am fine. 

The pictures where taken from my official Oscars ballot provided by
You can find my ballot here, if you wanna check if I changed my mind.

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

Instadiary Januar 2013

Mit meinem neuen Handy bin ich endlich in der Lage Instagram zu installieren was ich natürlich sofort getan habe. Ich habe Instadiaries auf anderen Blogs gesehen und wollte immer auch selbst eins machen. Jetzt kann ich endlich. Viel Spaß:

Silvester am Meer

Ab an die Küste.Party. Und auf dem Heimweg shoppen in Groningen(Holland).

Paulo hatte viel Spaß am Meer. Zurück zuhause rückte der Umzug näher. Paulo fühlte sich im neuen Heim gleich wohl. Ich ging mit meinen Mädel Kaffee trinken, freute mich über ein Bastian Schweinsteiger Interview im Neon und habe begonnen 'Eine wie Alaska' von John Green zu lesen. Milka hat einen neuen Snack, verdammt lecker! Ich habe endlich meine Bücher ausgepackt und dieses fantastische Bild von Basti, Manu und Arjen in der Zeitung entdeckt.

Abschied vom alten Haus. An einem miesen Tag heiterte mich meine Mutter mit Kuchen auf. Schnee fiel und Paulo und ich hatten viel Spaß im Schnee. Wir haben ein Schneeschwein entdeckt. Ich habe Muffins für die Kinder in der Klasse meiner Mutter gebacken und 'künstlerische' Bilder vom verschneiten Wald gemacht. Außerdem süße Bilder von Paulo und seinem Hundeknochen. Samstags hab es Brownies mit Eis als Nachtisch und unter der Woche gab es mein neues Lieblingsessen: Lachs, Kartoffenpuffer und Salat.

Inspiriert durch die erste Folge 'The Carrie Diaries' habe ich eine alte Tasche aufgehübscht. Der letzte Januar Tag war für Bücher reserviert. Ein erfolgreicher Besuch in der Stadtbibliothek.

Instadiary January 2013

 With my new phone I was finally able to install instagram. I have seen Instadiaries before and always wanted to do one of my own. Now I finally can. Enjoy:

I went to the coast for new years.
On our way home we visited Groningen in the Netherlands.

The puppy was quite excited to be at the sea. Back home it was time to pack up. The puppy instantly felt at home. I went for a coffee with my girls, got excited about a Bastian Schweinsteiger Interview in Neon and started reading 'Looking for Alaska'. Milka has a new snack, crazy good! I finally unpacked all my books and found the best picture ever of Manu, Basti and Arjen in the newspaper.

I said my goodbye to our old house and on a rough day my mom cheered me up with some cake. Snow fell and the puppy and I had some fun in the snow. We also found a snow pig. I made cupcakes for my moms kids in school and tooks some artsy pics of the snowy forest and some cute ones of the puppy in a his chewing bone. We had brownies and icecream for dessert last weekend and on wednesday I made my new favorite dish: Salmon, hashbrowns and salad.

After watching the Pilote Episode of the Carrie diaries, I decided to pimp an old purse of my aunt. The last day of January was book hunting day in the public libary. A success!

Ein frohes (verspätetes) neues

Verrückt das schon wieder Februar ist! Das neue Jahr hat für Paulo und mich so stressig begonnen, dass ich gar nicht richtig mitbekommen habe das der Januar an uns vorbei gerast ist.
Paolo und ich sind nämlich umgezogen. In ein 2 Zimmer soutterrain Apartement im Keller meiner Eltern. Es ist das perfekte neue Zuhause für uns alle aber ein Umzug mit 5 Personen plus Hund war anstregend und nervenraubend. Außerdem hatten wir für drei furchtbar lange Wochen kein Internet, was ich nur ertragen konnte weil ich zu Weihnachten ein Smartphone bekommen habe. Mittlerweile ist aber Ruhe eingekehrt und wir haben uns alle eingelebt.

Im neuen Jahr will ich nun regelmäßiger bloggen und alle posts sowohl un deutsch als auch in english schreiben. Deshalb auch die Sprachauswahl über den Posts. Einfach die entsprechende Flagge anklicken und losgehts. Fantastisch stimmts?

Haltet euch bereit für mein erstes Instadiary ever!

Happy (belated) new year

How is it already febuary? The puppy and I have been crazy busy in january because we moved. We now have a 2 room souterrain apartement in my parents basement. It is the perfect new home for all of us but moving with a family of 5 plus dog was exhausting and nerve wrecking at times. For the mindblowing long time of 3 weeks I had no internet access other than my phone which was only acceptable since I became a smartphone for christmas. But we have since settled in and all is well. 

With the beginning of the new year I also decided that I wanna post more regular and that all post should be in english and german. Thats why there is the brand new and shiny 'Language selection' above my posts. Awesome right?

Stay tuned for my first instadiary ever!